Todd Tijerina - For the last fifteen years inger/songwriter/guitarist, Todd Tijerina (Tee-her-ee-na), has steadily made a living playing his unique blend of blues, funk, roots-rock and jazz. In addtion to frequent tours of the central and southwestern United States with his band, Todd has worked as guitarist for Chicago-based artists such as internationally revered bluesman, Byther Smith, the legendary Harmonica Hinds, and BB's daughter, Shirley King. Currently based in Albuquerque, NM, though originally from Chicago, the band is a former winner of Chicagoland's Rory's Blues Talent Competition (1999). This victory funded recording expenses for the group's 2000 release, The Lowdown. Since then The Todd Tijerina Band has released five more albums: Welcome Home (2004), Now(2006), Walk This Road (2009), Meant To Be (2010) and Shine On (2014) which have enjoyed radio play in the US, Australia and Europe.  His song "Nothin' LIke the Blues" won the Blues Song of the Year category in the 2011 New Mexico Music Awards.  

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Val James - A very talented Singer/Songwriter in New Mexico